MEXAM Northwest Festival is pleased to present “Emergencia Artística Seattle”, a group show focused on lending visibility to the ideas and relationships that Seattle artists have with and around Mexico.
The show is curated by prestigious Oaxacan artist Fulgencio Lazo, leading voice and community leader and a Seattle resident for over 30 years.
El Mason Maya Jorge Vilchiz
Corazones Jake Prensez
Chalchiuhtlicue Ixtlixochitl Salinas-White Hawk
Blank Stellated Modular Link Simitrio Flores
Reyina Noah Gallo-Brown
El Senor Del Anahua Jorge Vilchiz
Binding Matias Lazo-Fanning
Seven Generations of Genetic Memory Jake Prendez
Queen of the Warrions M. Galaz
Quebranto Jesus Mena
La Tlachana Amaranta Ibarra-Sandys
Untitled Noah Gallo-Brown
Giant Paper Birthday Cake Simitrio Flores
Seeds of Possibilities Amaranta Ibarra-Sandys
La Princessa Che Lopez
La Zapatista Amaranta Sandys
Mujers de las Flores Che Lopez