Bleu Blanc Rouge Selfie Aurelio
artist Aurelio
Red Selfie Aurelio
Green Selfie Aurelio
Peaceful Pride Bill Dilley
Bill Dilley with his wood sculpture Stepping Out
Vimana Wars Kree Arvanitas
Mancui Schonberger with her Tresses series
Born Again Ron Jones
Big Blueberries Nadia Aristarkhova
Untitled Tomi Tierney
Alaska Lee Hendrickson
Kris Reclining: Diagonal Back M. Karrell Hutchinson
World Soul Mark Blevins
Caged Like a Bird K.A. Shughla
Ginger Candace Ripoli
Where Do You Smoke Now Lonny Johnson
El Angel y La Serpiente Laurie D. Brown
Send In The Clownfish Kamilla White
Snakes on the Freeway Neil Burns
Red Pooka Twins Bob Hutchinson
#787 Poplar Bowl Stephen Olds
St. Peter's Rome Stan Schiff