Are You a Traveler?
Travelers know the joy of finding themselves lost in unfamiliar places. In fact, as a traveler, the unfamiliar is often the goal. Unfamiliar people, languages, sounds, aromas and impressions broaden our experience, our minds and our hearts. When you've returned home, what’s left are but words and pictures.
Over time, those words and pictures can change. Our mind conflates stories, inflates the dramatic and obfuscates the detail. This experience is illustrated by my exhibit "Memories of the Pacific Rim: Impressions on Canvas."
Through my Redacted Photography™ I invite you to enter into a dialogue with images drawn from the traveler's universal experience: a tug of war between the seen and the remembered.
Those with whom this work resonates return finding new moments of discovery, recovery, and connection. Discovery as you find new elements or metaphors. Recovery as you put missing pieces back together. Connection as you fit these images into your personal experience and narrative.
I hope you will find as much joy in viewing the work as I did in creating it.
Tom Saknit
Redacted Photography™
Instagram: @tomsaknit
Tacoma Torii Three Five
Hakone Jinjya One Five
International Fountain Two Five
Bay Approach One Six
Rainier’s Shadow Five Two
Chain Gate Nine Zero
Sailboats Sleeping Seven Six
Picturesque Palace Seven Nine
Olympic Illiad Seven One
Kawaī Tomodachi Two Two (Little Friend)
Chuhuly Chapel Three Six
Ame’no Tōri Three One (Rainy Street)
Aoi Hana Three Zero (Blue Flower)
Uto Aomori Six Two
Kiyomizu View One Nine
Seattle Wheel Four Six
Sumiyoshi Taisha Six Six
Yuka’no Kasa Two Eight
Toyokuni Tower Nine Zero
Niomon Gate Zero Four
Yoyogi Torii Three Seven
Hakodate Kodachi Zero One
ZÎjÌnchéng Iîmiàm Eight Eight (Inside the Forbidden City)
My Rickshaw Two Two
Hutong Home Two Four
Kiyomizudera Pagoda Seven Seven
Monk Ascending One Zero
Distant Buddha Eight Eight
Seinaru Michi Eight Eight
Feed Me Five Five
Coy Koi Four Four
Russel Dinghy Six Three