Seattle Center Proposal Talking Points

What is your organizations mission?
How does it relate to underserved artists, and or the public?
Include non-profit status or 501(c)(3), if applicable.

Who are the artists that would show? 
What community of “underserved” artists are they from?
Seattle Center likes to see that an organization is serving
the local Seattle community in some aspect.

What is the public benefit?
Why is it important that these people are
represented to the community at large?

Show Details 

When do you want to exhibit at A/NT?

How many pieces will you show and how big are they?

• Will you need any special additions?
  like a separate opening night, performance art space,
  special AV equipment etc. 

Add anything else that you think will help
define your proposal.

We Are non-juried. There is no need to submit
artwork images or descriptions

Hanging space
 Our Center Gallery has 45 feet of linear wall space available. The walls have an installed hanging system (Walker). A larger number of pieces can be accommodated by hanging salon style (multiple pieces hung vertically, i.e., over and under).

Repeat show policy
To keep our shows interesting and dynamic, we like to keep repeats down to a maximum of 3 per year. This does not mean that because you showed last year, you cannot repeat this year. Space is given on a first come first serve basis. If we reach the three repeat show limit, we will ask the organization who has shown most often and most recently to retract their show for that year. This will give an organization who has not had so much opportunity to for exposure to show. Again, this does not mean that an organization that was asked to table there show for one year, could not still submit for the following year.