GREETER NEWS (in development)
Useful information that pertains to Greeters operating the gallery on a day-to-day basis.
Thank You
Personal greeting and thanks to all our amazing Greeters.Changes and Updates
Pertaining to Greeters' operation of the gallery.
For example:
• hours
• sales policies
• using Square
• handling cash
• open/closing procedures
• what art is/is not for sale
• anything related to aspects of any of our galleries
(members, public benefit, special exhibit)
that Greeters should know about, including
•who to contact in case of questions
•special requests by an exhibitor
•details Greeters can use to introduce
visitors to each of the galleries
• delivery of sold artwork
•removal/replacement of sold artwork• Reminders
current important procedures and policies that people tend to forget.• Promoting the Gallery
A section on the new sales pitch for Greetersfirst issue - the basic sales pitch
following issues - stories from Greeters on how they used the pitch in real life and what the results were
how Greeters are learning to promote the gallery to visitors and callers
suggestions/support from Greeters to each other.Other Reminders
•read Gallery Update sent on ____ (let us know if you did not receive)
• upcoming important dates
• check the calendar for more dates
• list of people to contact for each area
Lonny for facility
Casey for scheduling
David for Square
Ron for hanging
Bob for website
Ray for Special Exhibits
Michelle for Public Benefit shows
• where to go on our website to find useful infoGeneral Info of Interest
• board decisions, changes, elections, etc.
• past show details such as artworks sold
• current show details such as number of artists/pieces
• stories about anything of interest that Greeters want to share with each otherWe should make the newsletter visually interesting by including photos of artwork and other graphics.
I am developing short/spiffy "sales pitches" for Greeters, one directed to potential new artists and another for non-artist supporters.
Greeters would give these to in-person visitors, telephone callers, etc. as appropriate - not read verbatim, but as a basis to be personalized by each Greeter. The pitch would be part of our online and print advertising to increase membership and support.)
David Sokal