Proposal for an Interactive Art Event: Psychosomatic
Created by Hiba Jameel, Hosted at A/NT Gallery
Date: May 4th, 2019
Time: 4 to 9pm
Location: A/NT Gallery, International Fountain Pavilion at Seattle Center Point of Contact: Hiba Jameel, Artist:
Sponsored by: Of ce of Arts and Culture Seattle
Where does emotional pain physically manifest in your body?
Psychosomatic is de ned as a physical illness or other condition caused or aggravated by a mental factor such as internal con ict or stress.
Hiba Jameel
Psychosomatic invites participants to nish painting pre-created images of human gures. Participants will paint the parts in the human body that theyfeel physical pain in upon emotional turmoil or mental stress.
The theme for this interactive art event would be to raise awareness of the physiological impact of mental stress. The resulted pieces (4 minimum) wouldbe shown in the center gallery as part of a public bene t show.
This interactive art event is sponsored by Of ce of Arts and Culture, Seattle.
• Large canvas (or multiple) with artwork initiated by the artist and to be nished by the participants.
• The art event will take place at the A/NT Gallery in Seattle Center
by engaging pedestrians and gallery goers to participate interactively.